
A Future of Anti-Fairies: Part 5

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Chapter 4: A History of Anti-Fairies

Foop floated around his bedroom, completely furious. He had been grounded by his parents for trying out for his cutesy school play, even though Foop had been trying to sabotage it.
Well, technically Anti-Cosmo had grounded his son, because Anti-Wanda was too stupid to have a say in the matter.
But wait! Foop realized. I’m an Anti-Fairy. Disobeying orders is a true act of villainy!
Foop dug through his diaper, and pulled out his Baby’s First Tunneling Tool.
Thank badness for pocketed diapers, Foop thought for the hundredth time.
Foop turned on the tunneling tool, figuring he’d drill through the floor, through the ground and up outside.  After all, Foop’s room was on the first floor of his father’s castle.  
But as Foop heard the floor crack, he knew something about his plan was about to go wrong.
The floor of Foop’s bedroom caved in, causing Foop to fall down…
…And land on a hard stone floor.
Foop was rubbing his sore behind when he first looked up, and what he saw shocked him so much, he forgot he even had a behind.
Foop was floating in an enormous subterranean cavern. Torches lined the walls, which were made of bronze. The floor was not just stone, Foop noted, but pure marble. At the far end of the cavern was gold door with writing on it, as well as an engraving of a handprint.
And staring at the door was Anti-Cosmo.
“Father!” Foop cried without thinking.
Anti-Cosmo turned. “Foop!” he exclaimed. “How did you find this place?”
Foop put his hands on his square hips. “I should be asking you the same question,” he said. There was no way Foop was going to tell his father about the tunneling tool he hid in his diaper. Not without an explanation first, that is.
Anti-Cosmo glared at his son. “I’ve always known about this cavern.” Anti-Cosmo’s gaze softened a bit. “The fact that you’ve found out about it before being invited down shows promise, my son.” He paused.
Foop waited impatiently.
Anti-Cosmo took a deep breath. “You see, this castle existed since the first days of the Anti-Fairies. The first Anti-Fairy built it centuries ago. It was supposed to be her home.”
Foop started to feel interested. He hadn’t realized that his home was so important to Anti-Fairy history. “So why are we living here?” Foop demanded. “Why isn’t the first Anti-Fairy living in this castle? Where is she now?”
Anti-Cosmo looked at his son, as if trying to decide if he should tell the truth or not. “I’ll tell you, Foop. I’ll tell you everything.” And Anti-Cosmo began his story.
“Anti-Fairies didn’t always exist. There was a time when there were only Fairies. These ancient Fairies had a queen known as Diamond, and she was the first Fairy. Diamond was an extremely powerful Fairy, and her power grew greater when she was holding her famous Royal Fairy Crystal. The Earth gemstone known as diamond was named after the Fairy Queen, and her Crystal was said to be the first diamond.
“Diamond was a kind and just ruler, but she had one problem; she experimented with her powers far too much. This was her fatal flaw.
“One day, Queen Diamond was fiddling with the Royal Fairy Crystal, when the Crystal spilt in two. Diamond had been tapering with dark forces, and until that moment, no one knew what ‘dark forces’ were. Up until that point, the Fairies had never had a war, a battle, or even an enemy.
“The Royal Fairy Crystal had created another crystal, the Dark Crystal, and the first Anti-Fairy was born. Her name was Black Diamond.
“As soon as Black Diamond existed, she snatched the Dark Crystal, flew out into Fairy World, and created an Anti-Fairy for each Fairy. By the time Queen Diamond had realized what had happened, the Anti-Fairies were attempting to take over the Universe.  
“The Fairies and the Anti-Fairies fought for years. Then one day, Queen Diamond and Black Diamond suddenly vanished. Fairy World, which was much bigger in those days, separated into two worlds. One half became the Fairy World we all know and hate today, and the other became Earth.  
“After Queen Diamond and Black Diamond disappeared, the rest of the Fairies combined their magic to create Anti-Fairy World, and banished all of our kind here. But what the Fairies did not realize was that, wherever the Anti-Fairies settle, this castle will be there.
“The Royal Fairy Crystal has not been seen since the day the Queen vanished. But we do know where the Dark Crystal is; right in this vault.” Anti-Cosmo gestured towards the big gold door he had been staring at earlier.  
Foop looked at the writing on the door. It read:
When the Past intertwines with the Future,
And the Hero prepares to destroy Her,
The Opposite will place his hand,
The Anti-Fairies will take their stand,
And finally rule the Universe.
“What does this mean?” Foop eventually asked.
“No Anti- Fairy knows exactly what the prophecy means,” Anti-Cosmo explained. “All I know is that when some chosen Anti-Fairy places his or her hand on the engraving,” he gestured toward the handprint. “That Anti-Fairy will be able to open the door, obtain the Dark Crystal, and take over the Universe.” Anti-Cosmo sighed. “My family has been keeping the door safe and trying every Anti-Fairy hand since the beginning. I grow bored of it.”
Foop looked at the handprint, then back at his father. “I haven’t tried. Let me,” Foop demanded.
Anti-Cosmo flew over to the handprint. “The engraving would never work on a baby’s hand, Foop,” he explained. “We wait until an Anti-Fairy is full grown, and then test the hand.” Anti-Cosmo pointed at the print. “See, it’s much too big.”
“Let me try,” Foop repeated. “I have a feeling it’ll work on me.”
“All right, son,” Anti-Cosmo agreed reluctantly
Foop flew over to the handprint and placed his hand in the center. The engraving was too big.
Before Anti-Cosmo could brace himself for Foop’s tantrum, the engraving began to shrink, until it fit perfectly around Foop’s hand.
“Foop, you did it!” Anti-Cosmo cried triumphantly.
But Foop wasn’t listening. He was staring at the door as it opened on its own. The door opened to reveal a small room. The only thing in the room was a small table.
And on that table, was the Dark Crystal.
Anti-Cosmo and Foop flew into the room, staring at the Dark Crystal. As they approached, a ghostly figure appeared above the Crystal. The figure looked like an Anti-Fairy.
The Anti-Fairy was tall, with long hair and blue eyes. She had fangs like Anti-Cosmo, and a scowl like Foop. Her black crown was a little taller than usual, and her bat-like wings were a little bigger.
“I am Black Diamond, Queen of the Anti-Fairies, and master of the Dark Crystal,” the ghostly figure announced. “I am trapped within the Crystal, but now that the door is opened, I may communicate with my people.” Black Diamond looked from Anti-Cosmo to Foop. “Which one of you managed to open the door?”
Foop cleared his throat and flew forward. “That would be me,” he answered nervously. Foop had never encountered an Anti-Fairy with such a powerful aura before. It was amazing how much evil he could sense from Black Diamond.  
Black Diamond examined Foop closely. “Ah, yes,” she said. “Anti-Poof, savior of the Anti-Fairies.”    
“My name is Foop,” Foop snapped.
“It is what I say it is!” Black Diamond howled. Then she seemed to calm down. “You hate your name, do you not?” she asked Foop.
“With all the blackness in my heart,” Foop replied.
“Very good, Anti-Poof,” Black Diamond told him. She turned toward Anti-Cosmo. “Anti-Cosmo, you watched over my door for thousands of years. You may use the power of the Dark Crystal to take over the Universe. After you have ruled for two centuries, you must hand it over to your son. Do you accept these terms?” Black Diamond eyed Anti-Cosmo closely.  
Anti-Cosmo nodded. “I accept.”
Black Diamond smiled. “Anti-Cosmo, once you have the Dark Crystal in your hand, the Anti-Fairies will become undefeatable. Take it, and the power will be yours!” Her voice took on a hypnotic quality. Anti-Cosmo inched forward. “Take it…
“Take it…
“Take it…”
When an adult version of Poof arrives from the future, Timmy knows something is wrong. When Timmy's parents follow him through time, Timmy knows something is very wrong. But when his nightmares become reality, that's when Timmy knows he's in for the biggest adventure of his life!
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